Reading is important for many things, and one of those things is comprehension. How one understands the information presented is everything in order to utilise to its full potential. Knowledge is power but without action its useless however one needs to gain the knowledge to begin with. A list of reading materials on this page will help provide some insight into the power of healing.



This book has been one of the advised book by many healers detailing how one woman managed to position her body into a state of wellbeing by eating grapes or consuming grape juice only for a period of time. the purpose of this is cleansing on a cellular level as the healing properties from the fruit starts to cleanse the body.

In 1920 Johanna Brandt, a South African spy during the Boer War who later turned to naturopathy, spent many years experimenting with fasting and diets before she found her grape cure. She claimed this diet had eradicated her stomach cancer.


a headache in the pelvis

This book really dives into the importance of Pelvic Floor Muscles within Men and understanding how important taking care of this muscle is, where its located, the function/purpose of it and how to ease any symptom-based issues with a dysfunctional pelvic floor muscle.

I personally went through Chronic Pelvic Pain Disorder which had ailments such as frequent urination, pain during sex, pain around the groin area, pain at the tip of the penis, erectile dysfunction, lower back pain and pain in my inner thigh area. When I discovered this book after a very long tiresome search of going through all sorts of medical procedures being prodded and poked, I finally found the root cause of one of my health issues.



The take that i retrieved from this book is the connection between the mind and body. the mind is such a powerful thing that you can litterally change the chemistry if your body.

What one needs to understand is that the whole body is connected, this book specifically focused on certain ailments however dived into how one’s thoughts and patterns can help in assisting someone back into a state where they feel better than previously before.