Healers & Herbalist

It’s important to acknowledge all of the components to healing as trying to ease the body takes more than using a juicing method and we need to take in other factors i.e. fasting, herbal botanicals and overall lifestyle changes. Below is a list of people who we have learned from to adopt new approaches to our lifestyles as we continue to learn and grow.




Sophia the Herbalist has been of great influence in the transition into plant-based lifestyle coming into a time where the owner of this company needed support into easing his body into a better state of living. With her qualified herbalist knowledge, many years’ worth of planted based eating and keen support in helping others makes her one of the best herbalists I know here in the UK. She hosts online sessions on her Instagram page diving into the herbs that can help alleviate symptoms and Q/A sessions along with access to her herbal products on her website.


Dr. Aris Latham

“Living foods” derives of the fruits, vegetables are a key proponent to vitalising the body and food has its own communication/frequency. Fruits being the highest frequency especially fruits that is grown towards the sun (Sun Fired). I have learned the importance of detoxing the eating a clean, fresh, organic as possible and that one can live off the food grown naturually.


Life The Regenerator

If you want to gain inspiration into the life of eating raw foods Life the Regenerator inspires one to venture into the lifestyle with videos showcasing the many juices to help the body. The YouTube channel is definitely one to binge, as he goes through his personal experiences into the world of raw foods, explains in great detail on why you should change over and expresses the benefits from this way of living.


Dr. Sebi

Dr Sebi is one of the most well-known healers in the past 20 years gaining more exposure as the years go on. There has been many YouTube videos and lectures teaching others about the importance of having a mucusless diet, fasting, drinking high PH level waters from the natural quarters of Panoma and his healing programme. I have learned from him personally through his lectures and he was one of the healers that inspired me to venture into the wonders of water fasting. Ensure to check out his videos if you wish to venture into the natural form of healing which is an art that most humans have not been informed.


Dr. robert morse

“Fruits, Berries & Melons” This was the catch phrase that reminds me of this person Dr. Robert Morse and is the person who I listened to religiously when I was finding my mind and body was at its lowest state. I watched many videos of people sending their cases in which he went through and informed each person on how to get their body back into homeostasis. Along with my own personal research into studies and reviewing his videos it finally confirmed to me that humans are designed to be fruitarians which I went full steam ahead to incorporating more predominantly more fruits and veg as my daily consumption. Ensure to check out his videos and listening carefully to the botanical herbs also he states within his videos.


yahki awAKENED

The Great Yahki Awakened “I love myself I love my cells” it’s a very intellectual and intelligent person who I most resonate with as I feel is closer to I than any others mentioned on this page. Also following the teachers of the likes of Dr Sebi, Dr Robert Morse and others he has taken these teaching to a higher level and propelled the art form of healing, the correct eating of different humankinds and also providing a scientific reason for each suggested remedy to people solutions.


dr John Bergan

“5 keys to healing” is one of the best lectures I watched from this doctor who has many lectures on YouTube to expand on this concept and tackles the difficult questions into the western’s way of healing vs natural way of healing. To those who are seeking information on how to help ease the body into a healthier state these lectures can do wonders to digest and implement new changes into your life.

Indigo Herbs

This is a brand that I personally have used to buy herbal tinctures ranging from Pau D’ Arco Tincture to Cat’s Claw Tinctures. I have learned the important of herbal intakes to eradicate candida, bacteria that has accumulated in areas where it shouldn’t be, hookworms, parasites etc. Along with juicing to help aid the lymphatic system which is our sewer system to eliminates these out of the body, herbal intake is a powerful competent to purge the body.